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Cradle Mountain Tasmania

Historic Lime Bay Coal Mines

Just down the road from the Lime Bay campsite is the old Coal Mines site which was active from 1833 - 1848 and was where the Port Arthur prison sent their more difficult prisoners to work under just as harsh conditions and heavy supervision.

The site is always open and you just wander about at your own pace. A very good job has been done of explaining the systems and areas via information boards around the site which is fairly large so allow a few hours to wander about and explore the ruins spread about, some tucked away down marked paths in their own clearings.

There's not much more to say without giving you a history lesson you can get just by visiting so we'll leave this one with some more pictures. This area is full of our convict beginnings and is in equal measure very interesting and confronting at the same time. Between the interesting history, awesome nearby campground and beautiful scenery we highly recommend spending time in this area.

If you are looking for the historic details from this location it can be found here:


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