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Cradle Mountain Tasmania

Checking out Wave Rock

Heading eastward slowly to be there by our boat booking and sightseeing along the way, and there really is a lot to see.

We stopped briefly in Toodyay (yes that's the name) partly because it was a lovely little town and partly because we were hoping they had a bakery. All we came away with was pictures but that's ok because we were only 15 minutes from our next stop. Northam is a slightly larger town and we stopped overnight at their RV park. It's a nice spot on the river that allows for a two night stay for free and dogs are permitted on leash. Dump point available but that's all they have so you have to be self contained.

We took our time heading out from Northam and headed a couple of hours down the road to McCann Rock campground, another free spot for self contained travelers. There is a BBQ area and a decent sized shelter shed which unfortunately had an impressive beehive in it so we stayed away. A short walk from the campsite and you can see where it got it's name. The massive rock formation has a natural dam at the top which locals have most definitely taken advantage of (very sensible of them) including building a stone barrier for rainwater to flow along.

We pulled into the Wave Rock carpark and found a spot right next to another Manta Ray so we left our van there to hang out and headed down the track with our water bottles and flynet hats. I don't know why we held off getting them for so long, the walk was a lot more pleasant without being attacked.

The walk itself is really easy and the formations just amazing, we should have been getting sick of looking at rocks by this point but nope, still interesting. Entry is $15 per vehicle or free if you are staying at the caravan park which actually looked nice, but we were moving on from here so not a stop for us. The loop around to the top and back to the car wasn't all that long, maybe an hour or so taking our time to look and snap pics.

On the way out we stopped briefly to have a quick look at Hippo's Yawn rock, and yes it looks exactly like a Hippo with his mouth wide open

Spent a lovely few days in this area and we're glad we did, lots to see and some nice free campsites for the budget conscious.

Wave Rock panorama
Wave Rock


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